Corona Virus
With COVID-19, or the Corona Virus, spreading so quickly across the globe, it’s an unnerving time. I’ve received calls and texts from concerned clients and I want to pass along some of this information.
On Jan 24th, 2020, the New England Journal of Medicine has classified COVID-19 as “relatively mild” and “less pathogenic”, which means less deadly, compared to other known viruses, like SARS. The article goes on to say that the majority of those affected won’t even end up in health care centers because it’s so mild. This means to the average healthy person, that if you contract it, you’ll be a little under the weather for a few days. Death is extremely unlikely!!!! Yes, it’s highly contagious but doesn’t cause severe symptoms or death IF you are relatively healthy. As with any virus or infection, the immunocompromised are impacted far worse because of their underlying illness(es), not necessarily because of that particular virus.
Since COVID-19 affects the upper respiratory system, immunocompromised individuals are more prone to succumb to pneumonia after the virus runs its course and depletes the natural glutathione levels in the lungs. The virus isn’t necessarily causing deaths, it’s the secondary infection of pneumonia that is the problem. The real concern should be how do we protect the elderly and immunocompromised population from getting this or ANY virus that may push their body too far to recover.
The key to fighting any virus is your immune system and how do you boost that quickly to prevent it altogether or at least lessen the duration and severity? Here are some ways!
1) Stay calm. Stress weakens your immune system! Turn off the news, go for a walk in nature and use this unexpected extra time with your family to make some great memories!
2) Avoid sugar and alcohol! 1 teaspoon of sugar weakens your immune system by 80% for the next 6+ hours and alcohol turns to sugar in the body.
3) Eat whole foods and foods that build up your antioxidant levels. Processed foods contain chemicals that produce inflammation and oxidative stress (the real bad guy). Foods that are high in antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress. These foods include: blueberries, purple, red and blue grapes, dark (high quality) chocolate ( not made with sugar), pecans, organic strawberries, goji berries, raspberries, kale, red cabbage, beans, beets, spinach, broccoli and collard greens, sweet potatoes and orange vegetables, tea (without sugar), to name a few.
4) Get enough sleep. Turn off the TV and shut down the screens earlier so you are ready to fall asleep at a reasonable hour and get better quality sleep.
5) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, sneeze into the crook of your arm rather than your hands, avoid shaking hands and close contact right now. Wipe down doorknobs, light switches and railings frequently.
6) Take a good probiotic. The more good bacteria in your gut, the stronger your immune system is and the more protected you are from all illnesses.
It would be great if we could all avoid getting the virus altogether but odds are many people will still get the virus because it is spreading so quickly and there is an incubation period where infected people don’t yet have any symptoms. This is why it’s so important to know how to effectively care for yourself and your loved ones when you are sick to prevent a secondary infection, pneumonia in this case, which is the cause of deaths associated with this virus.
1) Listen to your body. If you start feeling exhausted, your mitochondria are telling you that your body is fighting something and it’s time to go to sleep, not push through the rest of the day or you will have it for a longer duration and have more opportunity to spread it to others. Give your body what it needs most!!!!
2) Avoid exercise when you are sick. It only taxes your body.
3) Respect the fever. Your body’s best defense against a virus is by producing a fever. It’s not the virus that creates the fever, it’s your body’s secret weapon. Monitor it closely but don’t be so quick to medicate it away. And even 1 dose of acetaminophen is enough to completely deplete your glutathione levels, which is exactly what your body needs to heal and avoid pneumonia when you’re sick. Fast when you have a fever so your body can use its resources appropriately. Bone broth and water is all your body needs at this time. Save the food for after the fever breaks.
4) Stay hydrated. Hydrate with water and avoid sugary sodas and the electrolyte drinks for kids/adults which are full of sugar and chemicals, as they weaken your immune system. Getting dehydrated? Add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to your water or under your tongue a few times a day, which is made of true electrolytes.
5) Your body burns through and therefore needs certain nutrients in higher doses at the beginning of an illness. Research shows at onset of symptoms, not necessarily before, your body needs higher doses of Vit A (please contact a health professional for proper dosing), Vit D, and Vit E. These fat- soluble vitamins acts as antioxidants and reduce oxidative stress which is the catalyst for pneumonia to develop. Because as we age, we produce less and less stomach acid and taking anti-acids further block stomach acid, much of the elderly and immunocompromised population are in turn, deficient in these needed nutrients in the first place because they require ample stomach acid to be utilized, making this population far more susceptible to a secondary infection, like pneumonia after any illness or virus. According to a Johns Hopkins study, chronic dry eyes and respiratory distress is a marker for a vitamin A deficiency. So, knowing that about yourself or your loved ones is very helpful in understanding their overall immune health and the first place to improve. Dosing of fat- soluble vitamins needs to be administered carefully by a knowledgeable health practitioner. A good multivitamin, healthy diet Vitamin C and zinc are great for prevention but timing is everything with the extra boost of the fat-soluble vitamins at the onset of illness.
6) Protecting your liver is imperative because your body needs glutathione, which is made in the body to keep the liver running optimally and to reduce oxidative stress which builds up only to cause disease. Glutathione, also a powerful antioxidant, is essential to protecting your lungs and it prevents pneumonia from developing. If health care centers ran labs on incoming patients’ antioxidant and glutathione levels and boosted those in need, the mortality rate would drop considerably. There are many ways to support your liver and glutathione levels and I encourage you to reach out to me or another health care provider if you or a loved one has a compromised immune system and especially, if prone to respiratory illnesses. The focus should be on reducing mortality rates rather than just the terror over the speed of it spreading. The research on how to reduce mortality rates after any illness has been available since the 80’s and it will save lives if it’s practiced. There are also methylation/ genes at play that need to be taken into account so it’s extremely important to work closely with a knowledgeable health practitioner rather than to just start taking supplements. I hope the take away from all this information is to actively build up your antioxidant levels so your body can reduce the oxidative stress which could turn into pneumonia in a weakened immune system. So, check on your friends and family members who may be elderly, fighting cancer, have serious auto-immune issues, or any other chronic condition or weakened immune system and especially those prone to respiratory infections and make sure they have plenty of antioxidant rich foods or supplements.
I am always here to answer your questions, provide support through appointments, calls, texts, and with supplements your body may need and services to help you either recover quicker or help you avoid it altogether. I know this is very wordy, and I’m tickled you read it this far, but I want to empower you based on actual medical research rather than have you continue to be overwhelmed with fear. No matter your immune system capacity at this moment in time, there’s easy things that can be done to improve it considerably. And most of it can be done easily in your own home with things you already do or have at the house or grocery store.
Please take care, stay safe and remain calm and here’s a friendly elbow bump from Kristi!