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EVOX Perception Reframing Session

For Emotional Healing & Wellness

55 min
75 US dollars
Judge Court West

Service Description

The EVOX system works directly with a client’s personal perceptions. Perception is the way we feel and think about different events, people, or other aspects of our lives. In many cases, we are not even consciously aware of everything that we perceive, or how those perceptions affect us. Using a process known as Perception Reframing, the EVOX system helps clients discover a whole new way of seeing things. How EVOX perception reframing works: The EVOX uses the voice (VOX is Latin for voice) to create visual maps of a client’s perceptions about specific topics like health, relationships, work, or athletic performance—really any aspect of life. The client speaks about any topic and the EVOX records the energy of the voice. The voice energy is then plotted into what is called a Perception Index, or PI. The Perception Index gives the client a visual image of their perception as it pertains to the topic discussed. Clinical trials and experience have shown that most perceptions are static. This becomes especially undesirable when perceptions are dysfunctional in any way. For example, a golfer may always approach the ball the same way and thus reach a performance plateau. In the case of relationships, a person may repeatedly attract destructive behaviors. This is the result of a static perception that perpetuates dysfunctional outcomes regardless of a conscious desire for a healthier relationship. Change your perceptions, change your life! *EVOX sessions can be scheduled for in office as well as remotely.

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations, please contact me at least 24 hours ahead of time to avoid being charged 50% of the service fee. Thank you!

Contact Details

  • 1002 Judge Court West, West River, MD, USA


1002 Judge Court W.

West River, MD 20778


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