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Pebble Stone Beach

Safe and Sound Protocol

What is the Safe and Sound Protocol?


Developed by neuroscientist Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a five hour, research based, auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, the SSP exerts a calming effect on our physiological and emotional state. This opens the door for improved healing, communication and social ease.















Who it Helps

The SSP is a research-based therapy showing significant results in just five days in the following areas:

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Inattention

  • Stressors that impact social engagement

  • Internal agitation, irritability and reactivity

  • Those on the Autism Spectrum

  • Those with physical conditions exacerbated by stress

Changes are often seen immediately, but many times gradually unfold over the course of 2 months as a person’s nervous system integrates and engages with the new information that is now available. If you have tried everything and nothing has worked, it could be because your nervous system is in a fight, flight or freeze response. The SSP is designed to help your body shift out of this survival mechanism and orient towards healing.






























How It Works

Listen to specially mastered vocal music through headphones.. The songs are drawn from well known artists with lots of classic favorites. The music may sound odd at times with changes in volume or direction.. This is designed to exercise the tiny muscles of the middle ear so that they can become attuned once more to the range of frequencies that mammals use for social engagement, which are at a higher frequency band than that which is used for threat monitoring. These muscles have links to the vagus nerve, allowing it to restore normal function and therefore encouraging your nervous system to come out of the fight, flight, freeze response and away from protective vigilance. We experience this vigilance in myriad ways, such as an ongoing feeling of being unsafe. This can express as reactive anxiety and/or anger. Once we are able to let go of this vigilance, we are free to engage in social interaction, resting, healing and enjoying life.

















How To Begin


If you are interested in starting the Safe and Sound Protocol, please schedule a Safe and Sound Protocol Consult with Kristi Lea to determine if this protocol is appropriate for you.  

Now available by remote delivery via a downloadable app.

Cost is $300 - Includes initial consultation where we explore what you are looking for from the program, whether now is the right time to do it and how I can best support you. We go over all the mechanics of how to do it, what to expect and answer any questions that you have. We also explore the patterns of your individual nervous system and how it adapts to life so that you will be fully prepared to recognize how SSP is affecting you. We will be together in office or over zoom the first time that you listen to the program so that I can answer any questions that arise in the moment. After that you can listen on your own if you prefer. I will be available throughout the program via zoom, phone, email or text to support you as needed and adjust the program as you go through it in a way that best serves your nervous system.


All you need is access to the app and a set of over the ear headphones that are not noise cancelling (or that feature can be turned off).


1002 Judge Court W.

West River, MD 20778


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